What is the Denman Island Bus

The Denman Island Bus Service (DIBS) is a new public transportation program on Denman Island, known as Taystay'ich by the local First Nations, dedicated to providing public transportation for island residents and visitors alike. Operating under the auspices of Denman Works, DIBS formally launched in 2022 as an expansion of the shuttle pilot project in 2021.

Can I bring my dog/cat/eldritch horror on the bus?

Well behaved furry friend are welcome on the bus at the drivers discretion and with consideration for other passengers.

Can I bring my bike on the bus?

Yes. We have a bike rack that holds up to 4 bicycles. Please help your driver with loading your bike, and remind them when disembarking that you have a bike to remove- we don’t want to leave you clutching your helmet sadly while we speed away with your bike.

Why doesn’t the bus line up with the ferry?

Both the Gravely Bay and Buckley Bay ferries go into shuttle for so much of the summer, that we just wouldn’t be able to match the ferries without sacrificing consistency and community. Taking transit often means a longer journey.

If our drivers see a Ferry is on its way, they will wait the extra few minutes to catch anyone who is catching the bus.

Can you help me catch the ISLAND LINK?

If you are going to catch the bus with hopes to make an Island Link connection on Vancouver Island, please give yourself lots of buffer time. Pack a book, a waterbottle, and a snack, because you are going to want to leave a couple hours ahead of when you think. Things go wrongs, ferries and buses get delayed, connections get missed. Embrace the transit pace and give yourself that extra time to get where you need to go!

How much does it cost?

The Denman Island Bus is free thanks to the municipal funding from the Comox Valley Regional District and the passionate labour of the Denman Works! team. We accept donations if you feel inclined. You can leave cash donations with the driver on the bus, or contact us at info@denamnislandbus.ca for e-transfer options.